Thursday, August 26, 2010


So we have some news.

Some big news actually.

News that required me to buy a crib today!

Not pregnant. (I'm on a diet, so that would really screw that up!)

We are going to do foster (to adopt) care with a local county.

It's a big deal, that has been brewing for a long time, but we were keeping it under wraps, until now. We finished our classes, our home study has been completed, we have an update and an approval meeting, and then we'll be on the list.

Here are a few details...
- We will be opening our home to two children, either gender. Ages 3 or under. Not necessarily siblings.

- Our adoption from Ethiopia is on hold until we can sell our home. We have not lost any money or efforts, they are simply holding all of our paperwork to send to ethiopia as soon as we sell our home. (This decision was made by our international adoption agency.)

- we think we will be approved around the end of September, therefore able to accept placement sometime in October at the earliest.

- we are very excited to see how God has orchestrated all of this and will be sharing some of the amazing details in the days to come.

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